
Archive for January, 2008

Yesterday was my little baby girl’s birthday!

Ryder turned 6 years old!

So today’s Throwback picture is of Ryder on the first day we met her – March 23, 2002. She was 7 weeks old!


I brought her home from Pennsylvania, where she was born, and put her on my Mom and Dad’s front porch for them to meet her for the first time.

Mom snapped this wonderful picture of Ryder, looking a bit hesitant about her new situation.

But I think it’s safe to say that Ryder quickly warmed up to her new loving family. She has brought us such love, joy and delight from that day on!

Pinks & Blues Girls Blog is your Throwback Thursday Headquarters!

Join in on the Throwback Thursday fun! Sign Mr. Linky so others know you’ve participated and can check out your Throwback Thursday photos on your site, and don’t forget to leave a comment to let us know you participated!

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We want to congratulate Angela Kinsey (and her castmates!) for winning “Best Ensemble Cast” at the SAG Awards on January 27th!

Angela is our celebrity honoree for the Pinks & Blues Virtual Baby Shower! She pregnant with her first baby, a girl(!), due in early May.

If you’re a mama-to-be (including adoption) due between May 1st and August 1st, you could win the same baby shower gifts as Angela Kinsey! Details can be found HERE!

Here’s a photo of the cast backstage, celebrating their win:

Photos: WireImage.com

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Be among the FIRST to stroll your baby in the NEW Phil&Teds Vibe, courtesy of
Tots on-the-go!


Thanks to Tots on-the-go, one very lucky Pinks & Blues & mod*mom reader will win this much-anticipated NEW Phil&Teds Vibe stroller, the ultimate in style and function.

Considered the Mercedes of strollers with it’s sleek urban style, smart functionality and ergonomic comfort for both parent and child, here are just some of the Phil&Teds Vibe features:

  • Fully adjustable seat angles from upright to totally lie-flat newborn
  • Ergo Seat that is heavily padded and nicely contoured
  • ‘Smart Handle’ with one-touch brake that is nicely hidden inside the elliptical aluminum frame
  • Folds easily with doubles kit attached
  • New designed accessories including the cocoon, storm and sun covers that zip on and off easily, cup holders and a food tray (finally!)
  • Retail Price: $599 for single Vibe + $110 for doubles kit

(Are you drooling yet!?)

The look is elegant, smart and overall “reassuringly expensive,” as stated by Phil&Teds.


1) Go to Tots on-the-go’s site (http://www.totsonthego.com) and pick your favorite product there (be ready to fall in love with a lotta stuff!)

2) Come back here and leave us a comment, telling us why you think it would be great for you and/or your family! (Friends and family members can also nominate expectant moms by sending in their recommendations about why their nominee would love a specific product from Tots on-the-go .

3) That’s it! Just be sure to enter by midnight on February 29, 2008! We’ll announce the winner on March 9th.

(No pictures are available at this time of the Phil&Teds Vibe. The photo shown here is another stroller. We will release the Vibe images as soon as they become available. There are a few that are circulating the net, but just know that these are still prototype photos though. Further contest details can be found here)

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cov.jpgHave you seen Trista Sutter on the cover of the January 16th issue of US Weekly!?

Talk about a hot mama!

The Pinks & Blues Girls recently chatted with the former Bachelorette, now a mom to 6-month-old Max with husband Ryan Sutter, about reclaiming that fabulous figure after gaining 30 pregnancy pounds.

We also got the chance to talk with the owner of Revolution Lifestyle, whose products Trista used as part of her diet and exercise plan.

Read on for our chat with Trista (fittingly, the new mom started a line of Eco-conscious diaper bags!) and Revolution Lifestyle!

Pinks & Blues: We loved your feature in US Weekly and you look FABULOUS, Trista! What helped you stick to your plan?

Trista Sutter: Thank you! It was nerve-wracking having that shoot hanging over my head for a few months, but on the flip side…it was EXCELLENT motivation! There were a lot of things that helped me stick to my plan and willpower was surely one of them. I also wanted to feel healthy and fit, be able to look in the mirror and feel confident, fit into my clothes, feel sexy for my husband, and of course, have the energy I need as a new mom. I worked out with a trainer and every 1-2 weeks, I did a body composition measurement, so that also helped a lot…like studying for a test and getting a good grade every couple weeks.

P&B: What’s your fitness and nutrition plan to have enough energy to soon be chasing after a crawling and/or walking Max… all while trying to conceive again, as well!?

Trista: As soon as my doctor gave me the go-ahead to start working out, I was at the gym for hour-long sessions on average, 3-4 times/week up until the day of the shoot. I also tried keeping active at home, whether it be going on walks around my neighborhood, or doing workout videos, like Billy Blanks.

My nutrition plan wasn’t really about dieting…just eating healthier. As I’m sure you know…when you’re breastfeeding, you are actually supposed to increase your caloric intake and for me, my doctor recommended about 500 extra calories/day. That meant not really cutting out food, but just modifying it to include more balance.

I kept track of my calories at Revolution Lifestyle – their easy-to-use tool really helped me stay in check. You know, it’s really all about diet and exercise. If you eat in moderation, with a healthy balance and work on your cardiovascular and muscular fitness, you will have the energy that you need to chase after any baby. 🙂

slide10_trista.jpgP&B: This one’s from Audrey, who has three boys 3 years old and under, and is expecting her fourth boy in June(!)… When you put your bikini on in Hawaii for your US photo shoot and got to strut your stuff, what was going through your head?

Trista: First of all…kudos to Audrey!! I can’t IMAGINE!! Bless your heart!! So…to answer your question… I was actually excited. I hadn’t been in a bathing suit since my first trimester of pregnancy, and I felt really good. I still have a little toning to do, but overall, I felt proud of what I had accomplished and confident enough to walk around without always being covered up.

P&B: Has Max given you a different motivation in maintaining a healthy lifestyle? Do you feel it is important for kids to be proud of their parents?

Trista: Definitely, although I think that the most important thing is to do it for yourself. As the wife of a triathlete and active outdoorsman, our lifestyle has always been focused on health and wellness, but I have to admit that since I met him, I had slacked off. I used to dance for the Miami Heat and was a physical therapist, so I was always pretty fit, but didn’t really workout much until I was on Dancing with the Stars.

I now have a greater appreciation for my health because I want to be add to the quality of life I have with my new family. I definitely think it’s important for kids to be proud of their parents. It’s also super important to be good role models and I want to be that for Max.

P&B: So besides trying for another baby, what are your plans for 2008? Will we be seeing you and Ryan on television again in the future!?

bag.jpgTrista: For 2008, my priorities are… 1. Being the best mom and wife I can be (and keeping our fingers crossed for another baby blessing!). 2. Spending time expanding my new line of diaper bags. It’s called Trista Baby and it’s been a great opportunity in that it I can work from home and be here every day for Max. 3. Maintaining (and hopefully surpassing!) the health and fitness level that I’ve worked hard to achieve. 4. Working with companies to help increase awareness about fertility issues and anything baby related, as I’ve been through a lot with trying for 2 years, then developing gestational diabetes, preclampsia and HELLP syndrome, and now living the life I always dreamed of as a mom.

And now our questions for Revolution Lifestyle:

ban.jpgPinks & Blues: Tell us about the Revolution Abdominal Cuts workout supplements that Trista took… what are their benefits and why did you put Trista on those particular supplements?

Revolution Lifestyle: Revolution Abdominal Cuts are designed to target that tough to reach fat in the midsection – clinically proven to reduce and prevent storage of bodyfat in the mid section (including stomach, hips, and buttocks). Trista was losing bodyfat in every area but this area. We gave her Abdominal Cuts because she wanted to target these areas while still breastfeeding. The components that make up Abdominal Cuts are derived from healthy oils that had no stimulant effect on Max.

P&B: Trista’s 2,000 calorie/day eating plan seems pretty reasonable for breastfeeding mothers. What do you suggest for moms who do not breastfeed?

RL: On the website you will find a basal metabolic rate calculator. This is designed to calculate each persons daily need of calories, then breaks up the calories into a meal plan. Revolution Lifestyle did a survey and found that 86% of women had no idea how many calories a day they needed. It is vital that we educate ourselves as we all need a different number.

Actually, we will soon be running an educational campaign called “Know Your Number” encouraging people to understand this very point. Eating just 500 extra calories per day can result in one pound of weight GAIN in a week. The calculation will aid in educating people how to control portion size through watching calories. If a persons daily BMR (basal metabolic rate) is 1500 calories, eating a piece of cheesecake after dinner wouldn’t be wise as it contains almost 750 calories per ounce – that is half of your DAILY recommended amount and will put you over your allowed number.

P&B: Snacking seems to be the downfall for a lot of people looking to lose weight/get healthy. What are some of the snacks you recommend for sticking to a healthy diet? *Note: Breast feeding moms should add 500 calories to their number.

RL: We believe that people make losing weight an annual trend instead of a lifestyle, so we encourage realistic snacking. If we make our lives too complicated we wont stick with a plan, so keep it simple and just watch the number of calories you are eating. Examples of healthy snacks can be found on our website at http://www.revolutionlifestyle.com/bmr.html

P&B: We’re all looking for energy, especially moms chasing after kids. What are some great tips and strategies for quick energy boosts throughout the day?

RL: A great way to prevent mid afternoon energy crashes is to snack on lean proteins. Protein drinks and bars are an excellent snack, as most of them do not contain simple sugars. Keep the sugar out of your afternoon snacks and you will be better at keeping up with those little ones! Weight loss is a short-term goal, healthy living is a lifelong goal. Moderation can be applied to everything in life, especially when you are talking about food!

Click on the Pinks & Blues logo for Product Reviews, fabulous Giveaways, Mom Advice, Celebrity Gossip and must-know News!

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Since we’re going on a family ski trip this weekend, we thought we’d share a picture of us skiing (or preparing to, at least) from back in the day… 1986, that is. Left to right, it’s Audrey (totally prepared to ski), Dad, Jane, Adam and Keith. I (Sharon) was taking the picture.


Pinks & Blues Girls Blog is your Throwback Thursday Headquarters!

Join in on the Throwback Thursday fun! Sign Mr. Linky so others know you’ve participated and can check out your Throwback Thursday photos on your site, and don’t forget to leave a comment to let us know you participated!


Our lucky kid pick today on Pinks & Blues is MyPetLamp!

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Mom, celebrity trainer, author and spokesperson Kathy Kaehler recently chatted with the Pinks & Blues Girls!

Kathy, a mother of 11-year-old twins and a 7 year-old (all boys!), has devoted her life to helping people live happy, productive and healthy lives.

For 13 years, she appeared on “The Today Show” as the fitness correspondent while training such mom celebrities as Julia Roberts, Michelle Pfeiffer, Cindy Crawford, Denise Richards, Claudia Schiffer and Kim Basinger.

Kathy shares with us her tips for getting kids to stay active, how new moms should ease back into working out, her new projects and more.

Read on for our chat with this fit and fabulous mom!

Pinks & Blues: Happy New Year! What new projects do you have on the horizon for 2008?

Kathy Kaehler: I’m starting the year off with an article on hanes.com/kids that gives moms some easy and fun tips on how to get their kids off the couch and onto their feet in 2008! It’s all about creating a healthy lifestyle that‘s approachable and realistic for our kids to follow and will last throughout the whole year. In addition, I have some new projects on my website (KathyKaehlerFitness.com). I am selling my workout videos and am still teaching classes everyday and training celeb moms like Julia Roberts, Lisa Marie Presley and Kim Basinger.

P&B: Many of our readers are expectant moms or new moms. What do you recommend for exercise during pregnancy? And, of course, afterward to tone up those pile-on-the pounds places, such as abs, hips and things?

Kathy: The best program is the one that I did with Cindy Crawford. It is a video called A New Dimension. I compiled a variety of programs to do as you reach certain weeks in your pregnancy. The best exercise to do while you’re pregnant is swimming. I felt amazing in the water and my joints never bothered me.

And for new moms, my advice is to always start off slowly. Don’t think your body will bounce back within days. It took you 9 months to create this beautiful life so now your body needs time to come back. New moms need to follow programs that make them work towards mini goals, such as walking 3 miles a week or increasing the number of free weight repetitions. Once these goals have been achieved, mom gets a boost of confidence and is able to stay positive when working towards the next set of goals. Do not put too much pressure on yourself or your body!

P&B: We see that you’re very interested in getting kids to get off the couch and get moving, which is so great and so important for creating a life-long interest in exercise. What is your advice to get a reluctant child up and moving?

Kathy: Make it fun and challenging. Kids love to be able to count how many jumps or kicks they can do or how fast did they can do them. Create races or challenges in and around your house. Your kids will surprise you at how competitive they really are. The fun factor is also key – kids don’t mind fitness as long as it is fun. In addition, fitness isn’t always what we think of in the traditional sense. It can be bowling, putt putt golf, tag, frisbee, trampoline-activities like these get different parts of your kids’ bodies moving and their heart rates up, and most of the time they don’t realize it! Finally, make sure your kids are comfortable, not only with the activity, but also while doing it! My boys love wearing Hanes tagless tees and underwear because they don’t itch and are super soft, which means they can run, jump and bend any way they please.

P&B: Do you have any particular fitness programs that you recommend for kids?

Kathy: I have a new program called the “Schoolhouse Workout” that is about to launch on my site for FREE! Each month, a new workout video will be released online as part of the program. The routines are for kids of all ages and can be done both at home and at school. Most of the routines are like mini fitness breaks that involve 5-10 exercises, all designed to improve strength, coordination and energy. One that I love is doing five jumping jacks and running in place for 10 seconds. It’s easy and quick and I’ve found that these routines are particularly successful with kids when they’re done in a relaxed environment (no whistles!), and with their friends, classmates or siblings. For most kids, doing exercises with a group is more fun and motivational. Keeping them short and quick also holds their attention and trust me, 2 or 3 fitness breaks throughout the day really add up in the end! I am also really excited about some of the people that I am working with – each month there is a new, surprise host.

P&B: Sharon is 55 years old and is beginning training for her first sprint distance triathalon! What is your advice in encouraging women in their 40’s and 50’s to begin exercise routines?

Kathy: First and foremost, that’s wonderful – congratulations and good luck! Being active at this point in your life is incredibly important, as so many things are changing in our bodies; babies, child rearing, menopause, peri menopause, aging, slowing metabolism, bone loss… You name it, it is happening. So that is why I wrote my most recent book, Fit and Sexy for Life. In the book I have a program that hits all these topics, but most importantly, I talk about how exercise and nutrition play such a critical role at this stage in a woman’s life.

My advice is to sit down and figure out what excites and motivates you and then break it down so it’s realistic and approachable. Also, tell someone about it; your mom, your friend, your boss. You never know, one of them might join you. You can cheer each other on and motivate each other! If there is one thing to remember as we get older, it’s that we need to make fitness a part of our everyday life in some shape or form. This doesn’t mean you need to be at the gym 7 days a week. Go 2 days a week and participate in a class. Walk your dog another day or with your friends around your community or your kids in the park. Take another couple days for my “Take Five” workout, both in the morning and at night-it’s only 10 minutes a day! These are 5-minute blasts that get your heart rate up and offer a quick fix of energy. If you move your body in some way everyday you’ll sleep better, lessen the severity of hot flashes, get a boost in your libido and of course, have more energy for things like triathalons!

P&B: We love your “Kaehler Calendar” idea, which you mentioned in your Hanes article. What was the impetus behind that idea, and how has it helped you family stay organized?

Kathy: I once did a “The Today Show” segment on tips on how to keep workouts a part of everyday life. One of my tips was spacing them out and inputting them into a calendar or blackberry. This way, workouts are not only a part of your schedule, but it also allows you to gradually increase the length or number of your workouts. I started the program and my kids got so into it that they came onto “The Today Show” with me to talk about it and we had the best time. I was absolutely thrilled to help hanes.com/kids with this tool because I’ve found it to be so beneficial in my own life in keeping my family in organized chaos.

For most women and kids, fitness is a part of life, but it doesn’t alone define them. We have so many other things going on. For my boys, it’s school, auditions and sports. Our Kaehler Calendar from Hanes helps us keep on track and it also reminds us to have a well-rounded day and life. Most important, my kids love seeing a full week and all they’ve accomplished!

Click Here to create your own Family Activity calendar from Hanes!

* Five (yes, 5!) Pinks & Blues readers will win a $50 gift certificate to Hanes.com! CLICK HERE for all the details!*

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18 weeks and counting!

So I’m 18 weeks and counting…

Feeling good. Feeling like the time is flying by. And feeling very excited that another baby will be entering our life soon!

William definitely understands that his new brother is coming in June… he’s just not too happy with the idea of having to share a room with Alexander.

Alexander definitely gets that a new baby is coming… he’s just more excited that he gets to share a room with William.

Benjamin (who is now 9 1/2 months) seems to know that Mom’s belly is getting bigger (and she’s not as fast!)… but he’s just excited that I can still hold him!

So here we all are… me and my boys… Daddy-boy is taking the photo!


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Green Chum

Speaking of GREEN

Our chum CK has started a new blog called Green Is Her New Blog. We’re loving this new site and it has tons of GREAT tips for GREEN living!

(Our pal C is a guest contributor, too!)


Our lucky mama pick today on Pinks & Blues is the Great Uses for Vinegar book… loaded with green living ideas!

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Here at Pinks & Blues, we know that many of you out there in the Internet included “reducing my carbon footprint” in your New Year’s Resolutions (us included!).

So we thought (yes, we do that sometimes around here) why not help you make the first official “gift” holiday of the year, Valentine’s Day, totally GREEN!?

So no matter who your Valentine is, find the perfect gift with our Pinks & Blues All Green Valentine’s Gift Guide… and feel good knowing you’re doing your part to help our environment!

Find our Pinks & Blues All Green Valentine’s Gift Guide at www.GreenValentinesGuide.com

Thanks to Drea for creating our fabulous guide button!

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allysipping.jpgMy husband loves coffee milk.

Coffee milk… as in 2 or 3 tablespoons of Autocrat Coffee Syrup mixed into a nice, tall glass of cold milk.

This, in my experience, is kind of a Rhode Island thing. I had never heard of Coffee Syrup until I moved to Rhode Island. And the phenomenon doesn’t stop with coffee milk. It extends to coffee milk shakes. Coffee frappes. Or the all-Rhode-Island expression, coffee cabinet (don’t even ask me where the name comes from!).

So should I be surprised that my little 2-year-old grandson Alexander has coffee milk running through his veins? In his very DNA?

It all came to the surface yesterday.

My husband Barry, or Pop-up, as he is called by his grandchildren, and I had our little darling Ally for the afternoon. His older brother had his first school-kid-invited birthday party at the local YMCA and his littlest brother needed a nap.

We asked Ally what he wanted to do, and he immediately said, “Horses.” Which means the carousel at the mall.

That was easy. A couple of twirls on the merry-go-round. Then a trip to the Disney Store. A stop at the fountain “to trow in coins… lots of coins.” And how can you leave the mall without lunch.

Here in Rhode Island, lunch with kids means Newport Creamery. Ally is probably one of the easiest kids in the entire world to please, so we thought his usual grilled cheese and milk would do.

Not so easy.

Ally spotted Pop-up pouring some coffee-colored substance from a shiny stainless steel container into a glass.

“What’s that, Pop-up?” And not waiting for a response, “I want some.”

Now you must understand that a Newport Creamery Coffee Cabinet to my husband can be likened to Jimmy Choo shoes to me. Something to be savored. Delighted in. Loved.

But what trumps your favorite thing? A grandchild wanting it.

So Pop-up gave Ally a taste. That taste turned into his very own kid-cup. The kid-cup got traded in for Pop-up’s glass. The glass and its contents ended up as lickable remnants on Ally’s precious face.

Ah, Pop-up, it’s in the DNA!

– Sharon


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