
Archive for October 6th, 2007


Audrey and I always joke about how Mom turns her birthday into her birthweek – and sometimes even her birthmonth.

On and around October 6th every year, conversations will go like this:

Mom: Jane/Audrey, can you do xyz for me?

Jane/Audrey: (Eye roll) or (Do-I-have-to? face) or simply, “Why?”

Mom: Because it’s my birthday (-week or -month), that’s why!

And it’s settled. There is no rebuttal for that defense.

But the truth is, we love that Mom gets so excited about her birthday. To her it’s really all about getting together with family… celebrating together and laughing together.


And Mom truly makes every day special for those around her. She is the most generous, selfless, gracious and compassionate person in the world. She is simply amazing.

So the least we can do is give her everything she wants on her special day… which is usually helping out with planting in her garden. Or going on a family outing to a pumpkin farm. And it always includes a big family dinner.

Because Mom doesn’t make her birthday all about her; she makes it all about family.


So Mom, may this day, your special day, be joyous and magical!

And just let us know what you need us to do. Because yes, we are aware… it’s your birthday!

Love you soooo much!

– Jane

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