
Archive for July 18th, 2007

** For Wordless Wednesday, please click HERE or scroll down to next post! **

We have a bunch of blogging things that have, unfortunately, been put on the back burner. Not anymore! Let’s get going…

First, a meme that Mama Zen tagged us for. It’s a one-word meme… here goes! (these are Jane’s answers):

1. Where is your cell phone? purse.
2. Relationship? married.
3. Your hair? up.
4. Work? fun.
5. Your sister? beautiful.
6. Your favorite thing? family.
7. Your dream last night? forgotten!
8. Your favorite drink? soda.
9. Your dream car? mercedes.
10. The room you’re in? family.
11. Your shoes? none.
12. Your fears? lots.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? happy.
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? family.
15. What are you not good at? scheduling.
16. Muffin? none!
17. One of your wish list items? boat.
18. Where you grew up? barrington.
19. Last thing you did? type.
20. What are you wearing? pj’s.
21. What aren’t you wearing? shoes.
22. Your pet? doggies.
23. Your computer? laptop.
24. Your life? cool.
25. Your mood? tired.
26. Missing? sleep.
27. What are you thinking about right now? sleep.
28. Your car? equinox.
29. Your kitchen? 70’s.
30. Your summer? nice.
31. Your favorite color? pink.
32. Last time you laughed? today.
33. Last time you cried? today.
34. School? over!
35. Love? lots!


Over the weekend we were so honored and humbled to receive The Blogger Reflection Award from MorningSong. MorningSong is a beautiful, true gem of a woman with a lovely family. She is kind, insightful, thoughtful and, of course (our favorite word!) fabulous!! Thank you so very much for the honor, MorningSong!

Now we are to follow these rules:

Rules of participating:
1. Copy these rules.
2. Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about each one.
3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.
4. Leave a comment and let them know they’ve been given the award.
5. Display the award icon on your site.

Our five recipients are:

1. Our friend Chrissy from Life On Manitoulin. Chrissy is one of the most caring and big-hearted people we know. She is always there with a kind or encouraging word, or promoting the businesses of her friends and family. She genuinely wants to see others happy, and that is just one of the many wonderful qualities that makes us love her so much!

2. The lovely Julie from Pink Morning. Julie is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Julie has a wonderful relationship with her sisters, and we know a thing or two about just how wonderful sisters are! 🙂 Julie’s comments always bring smiles to our faces, and we always know that reading her blog posts will leave us feeling blessed just to know her.

3. Fellow Rhody-native Dawn from Coming to a Nursery Near You. Besides being a native of our home state, Dawn just connects with us on so many other levels. She is a compassionate, caring woman who always comes through with a kind word or a kind gesture when most needed – she even gave us our very first internet hug! Hugs right back at ya, Dawn!

4. The amazing Melody from Slurping Life. We hope Melody isn’t feeling “awarded out” because she certainly gets recognized for being so wonderful an awful lot! She is so devoted to her very special boys (and female doggy!), and is always doing something to help others. Case in point, she is holding a fundraiser for precious little Parker Hodgson on her blog starting Monday, July 23rd and running through July 27th. Melody is a special, special woman and she truly blesses so many people.

5. Our friend Nadine from Just Being Me. Nadine has already been given this award, but we just cannot think of her or her blog without becoming reflective. She just gives off such a calm and peaceful aura, and she’s so warm and kind. Her posts always so insightful and perceptive. She reminds us of a wise and wonderful sage.

Thank you for giving us so much Reflection in your blogs, ladies!

OK, let’s get to the CONTESTS!

1. Katja from Skimbaco is having a great contest for Supergoop Sun Lotion for children. Check it out HERE – it runs through Tuesday, July 24th!

2. Christine at From Dates To Diapers is having her 6th baby very soon – and she wants you to guess the due date! So she’s holding a contest where you can do just that. Go take a look at her fun contest HERE – and guess the due date!

3. As we stated above when we awarded Melody with The Blogger Reflection Award, she is hosting a fundraiser contest at her blog for Parker Hodgson. The contest will run from Monday, July 23rd through July 27th and there will be fabulous prizes (including a digital camera, printer and accessories package courtesy of Hewlett Packard!!) for those who donate at least $2 to Parker’s cause. See all the contest details HERE.

4. Drea is hosting a contest for a pair of Skidpants from Dittany Baby. Our favorite pattern is the camoflage. Check out the beautiful photos of her son Taite modeling Skidpants – as well as all the contest details – by clicking HERE!

5. Steph from Adventures in Babywearing and Mama Speaks is having a contest for a $50 gift certificate to the fun, functional and fabulous Kangaroodle site! Find out all the contest details HERE!

6. The ladies at Apples’n’Oranges are giving away an adorable size 12-month sleeper onesie from Little Blue Dog! Check out all the contest details HERE!

7. Be sure to check out the three great contests Mamanista! is holding right now… the Miracle Blanket Giveway, the Lindie & Friends Giveaway and the Baby Diva’s Heart-Healthy Birthday Contest. Click HERE for details on all three contests, as well as a contest run by Hatley!

8. And don’t forget to participate in Rocks In My Dryer’s Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway! Click HERE for full details!

9. And, of course, don’t forget to enter our very own Fabulous Summer Bag Giveaway contest here at Pinks & Blues Girls Blog! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on the post! How easy is that!?

So go ahead and enter all these fabulous contests! Because you can be a winner! Trust us… we’ve won three contests recently!! We are so excited about:

1. The TUFFO Water Resistant Blanket from the wonderful Mommy Knows. Here’s a picture I took the day it arrived!

2. The book Money, A Memoir from our buddy Tanyetta at Days like these! in celebration of her 500th post! Look at her adorable so choosing the winner!

3. Our friend aBlondeBlogger’s Treasure Hunt contest for an autographed copy of Bruce Littlefield’s Garage Sale America, as well as one of his fabulous garage sale finds – a vintage aluminum spice rack! Woohoo! We cannot tell you how excited we are!

And last but certainly not least, congratulations to Stacey C. for winning our contest for the Once Upon a Family Dear Sweet Child Letter Box!

Wow, that was a lot of typing and a lot of linking! Please take advantage of all the contests!

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