
Archive for March 28th, 2008

Freakin’ A!

I got it. Hook, line and sinker.

The stomach flu.

As much as I tried to run… I couldn’t hide.

Wasn’t I just saying that I was ready for all the bugs and colds and flus to be gone? Well, they stuck around.

First it was Alexander. Then Benjamin.

Then ME.

Ugh… it sucks.

I hate being sick as it is. Never mind with anything that has to do with stomach viruses. It’s that one thing that I just HATE.

Seriously, it’s the type of thing that if I was on a game show with my husband and the question came up, “What is one thing Audrey fears?” His response would be either rats or the stomach flu.

And when it hit me, it really hit me. The kind of “hit” where I couldn’t move off the couch. Literally.

To add insult to injury, the TV remote was across the living room Wednesday night, just sitting on my TV stand. And guess what was on TV? The Food Network. The freaking Food Network! Talk about the last thing you want to see when you’re sick… food!

Never mind that Paula Deen and Rachael Ray were cooking away with their BRIGHT smiles and little jokes. But I was too WEAK to move! I kept watching with eyes half shut… praying for commercials!

Today I’m feeling MUCH better. I am sorry to all mamas out there who have experienced morning sickness. I have been lucky enough with all of my pregnancies to never have any. And all I could think was, How the hell do women do this day in and day out their first 12 weeks… and some of you, throughout the whole pregnancy!? You are super-women to me. Seriously.

So now Alexander is back to normal.

Benjamin’s getting there.

And I’m back up, doing my thing. A little slower than usual… but doing it. If it wasn’t for my Henry, there’s no way anyone could have bribed me to drink fluids or eat anything Wednesday afternoon/night and Thursday morning. It kept me going, knowing that mama needed to stay hydrated for him!

So now… where the hell is April?

I’m sick of March. Sick of the pink eye. Sick of the head colds. Sick of the freaking stomach flu!

Winter, be gone already!

– Audrey


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Pajamas all day…

As a grandma, I say, “Why not just stay in pajamas all day?”

Not every day, mind you.

But definitely the days when the grandkiddies are sick.

Take this week, for example. Each of Audrey’s three little guys has been sick. And I’m talking the kind of sick that requires frequent changes of clothes. Yes, both ways.

So my solution is… pajamas. Most specifically, the sleepy suit with feet zip-up style. This way, an emergency change requires nothing but a quick zip off. Clean the necessary region. New undies or diaper. Quick-zip on with clean pajamas. For heaven’s sake, this way the mama (or grandmama!) doesn’t even need to be searching for socks.

The quick-zip on is especially important because we don’t want our little sick ones to be cold and shivery. And we don’t want lots of tossling while dressing. No, siree. This only causes more, well, emergencies.

After holding, rocking, bathing, soothing 3 little guys all week, I was even thinking of inventing a sleepy suit that looks like clothing. You know, a matching outfit. In my sleep-suit fashion-ation, I was thinking… the top would look like a casual shirt, the bottom would look like sweatpants, and the feet would look like socks. OK.

But it would be one zippered fleece masterpiece. And in my fleece world, I would market 3 to a package. One on, one on deck, and one in the laundry.

Ah… everyone would be happy. Comfortable. Clean.

Uh-oh. I just heard another little “explosion.” Let me go clean it up and I’ll get back to you!

– Sharon


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