
Archive for March 12th, 2008


We’ve revealed that Jody is the winner of our Pinks & Blues Virtual Baby Shower… so now it’s time for our readers to get to know this special mama (to Charlie, 3 years old)/mama-to-be (due in July!) a little more!

Pinks & Blues: Who is the first person you called when you found out you won the Virtual Baby Shower contest?

Jody: After I read the email twice from Pinks & Blues announcing that I was the winner, and Charlie and I stopped screaming and jumping up and down saying, “We won, we won!” then I immediately called my dear friend Heidi. I thought she deserved the first phone call since none of this would have happened without her surprising me with the nomination for the Pinks & Blues Virtual Baby Shower. Much to my dismay, I got her voicemail, but left her an elated message saying, “I WON!” and, “THANK YOU, Heidi, for making this all possible!”

Needless to say, she called me back soon after and we both rejoiced at the good news and giggled like little school girls. Heidi said she was hopeful I would win, but we both knew the other mamas had touching stories as well. She said she had already sent out a massive email announcing the good news and could not wait to call her family and close friends! She told me that she plans on being at my house after the prizes arrive so we can open things up together. She almost seemed speechless, and I would not describe Heidi as a quiet person. 🙂

I told her that as excited as I was about the marvelous prizes I had won, I was just as excited that I got to share Adeline’s story with the world and fully celebrate this little miracle growing inside of me. I believe that Adeline is looking down from heaven at us and smiling at the joy that is being restored in our lives.

My Mom says that Adeline accomplished so much in her short life; she brought hundreds of people to God in prayer during my month on bed rest in the hospital, she brought us so much joy when she was born, she broke our hearts when she left us less than 24 hours after her arrival, and again she brought hundreds of people to God in prayer after she left us and we desperately needed to be held by Him. Still presently, she is at work as many are praying for this baby and a healthy pregnancy for me. She is one remarkable little girl!

Jody and Adeline

P&B: You are planning to keep the gender of your baby a surprise. During an ultrasound, have you ever been tempted to find out the sex?

Jody: Yes, especially since my husband would like to know the gender. I would let him find out, but he cannot keep a secret, so that really is not an option. When the ultrasound technician began to scan me yesterday, he asked if we already knew the gender and if we wanted to find out. I immediately said, “No, we do not know and we hope to remain surprised.” My husband said, “Yes, I would love to find out!” I gave him “the look.” Guess who won this disagreement? Yes, the gender is still a mystery even though my ‘motherly instinct’ has me leaning towards one gender over the other.

I will have many more ultrasounds in the next few months, but hope to keep the gender a surprise.

P&B: Do you have any name possibilities that you’re willing to share?

Jody: Names, yes, names. This one has been difficult for us, and to be honest we have not spent a lot of time talking about names yet. I am open to any name suggestions you might have….please share suggestions!

P&B: How is Charlie preparing for his important role of Big Brother?

Jody: At first when we told him he was going to be a big brother I do not think he believed us since he was probably thinking, “That is what you told me last time.” Now, I think he has embraced the fact that he is going to be a big brother.

He told us if it is a girl we should name her Sally and if it is a boy we should name him Charles or Clifford. I am sure you figured out that he loves the movie “Cars” and also the books and show “Clifford.” His real name is Charlie and I believe he thinks Charles would be cool, as that is so close to his name.

He tells me on a regular basis that he is going to be a big help when the baby arrives. He said he plans to hold him or her every day. At least once a week he asks to see my “tummy.”

A few days ago he said, “Mom, I think the baby is really growing!” He likes to kiss my stomach and sometimes he tells me he can hear the baby crying.

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I can hardly say Triathlon, never mind DO one.

But I am. Doing one, that is.

Well, a mini one. Or more technically, a “Sprint” Triathlon.

On the average, a Sprint Triathlon is about a half mile swim. A 10-15 mile bike ride. And then, to cap it off, a 5K run.


I am not an athlete. I am not a swimmer. A cyclist. Nor a runner. Especially not a runner.

Oh, God! How did this happen to me!

I’ll blame it on menopause. That feeling that I can conquer anything. That feeling of being 11 years old… you know, when a boy tells you that you can’t climb or run or throw as “good” as he can. And you just gotta prove you can.

This time I am proving something to myself.

So. On February 4, I headed off to our local YMCA with Jane (I am not big-and-bad enough to show up and just start swimming and running). I didn’t even know how to program a treadmill. I didn’t know where to put my gym bag.

I can’t see without my glasses, so you can imagine the look on Jane’s face when I had my glasses on over my swim cap from the locker room to the pool. Swim etiquette, or the not-at-all-cool-factor, just does not allow that certain look. You should have seen Jane’s face.

And my workout clothing? Won’t even go there. No, not lycra or spandex… or anything that may make me look normal. Poor Jane!

But anyway, I started on the treadmill. I could run for 5 minutes. Period.

Then to the pool. I could do 4 laps, panting. Period.

But I must say that one huge inspiration for me was our Pinks & Blues interview with Kathy Kaehler back in January. Kathy spoke about her “Take Five” workout where 5-minute blasts get heart rates up and energy flowing (not to mention, fit and sexy). I think the 5-minute concept just got me going in a very realistic way. Even on the treadmill and in the pool.

Here I am… a grown woman with children and grandchildren. I am confident and love challenges. But I was truly scared to look, well, kind of silly doing these things, looking exhausted and out-of-place. But 5 minutes?

Yes, I could do it.

Now here we are, almost 6 weeks later.

I actually ran 3.2 miles on the treadmill last weekend. It took me 44 minutes.

I actually swam 62 consecutive laps in the pool. It took me 35 minutes.

Do I look totally cool? Probably not.

Do I feel like a million? Absolutely.

And now that the nice weather is returning to New England, I am even running outdoors. And soon I will be digging my old bike out of our garage for Phase 2!

I know my kids and my husband are very proud of me. But I guess even more important than that, I am proud of myself for having a goal and sticking to a plan.

My first real Sprint Triathlon, you ask? Some time in late May or June.

In the meantime, I will keep you posted. I know it’s a total cliche, but “If I can do it”…

Yesterday, Jane caught me in the act and snapped a picture (shown above!). Audrey and Jane chuckle at my style of running, but you know what?… it works for me! (And I still wear my glasses over my cap from the locker room to the pool. Why? I kick ass.)

– Sharon

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Who is Owen?


Monday morning.

9 am.

Dropping William off at his preschool.

The nicest teacher in the world greets every child as he or she enters the classroom.

She takes me aside, “Oh… I have to tell you, I love the name Owen.”

I look confused. But smile because I think she’s mistaken me with a couple other mothers who are pregnant.

She continues, “William was so excited to tell us that his new baby brother will be an Owen. In my 30 years of teaching I think I’ve only had about 2 Owens go through here.”

Crap! She is talking to the right mother. There’s only 1 William in the class!

Do I tell her that are not naming him Owen, and that I don’t have any clue where William came up with that name.

(Though I do like the name.)

So I respond, “Oh… it’s funny that William told you we are naming him Owen. But we’re not naming him Owen. We’re naming him… “



She laughs and tells me how definitive William was about naming the baby Owen. And goes on to tell me how excited he is to be a BIG brother. Again!

I leave the classroom… racking my brain where William would come up with the name Owen. Is there a Disney/Nickelodeon/Webkinz/Noggins character I’m missing here?

Or heaven help us, Family Guy? (A blog for another day!)

– Audrey

ps – Speaking of pregnancy… I’m sporting my Blessed Nest Organic Nesting Pillow with me in the above photo. I use my Organic Nesting Pillow every single night to help support Henry while I sleep.

Bless the Blessed Nest ladies! I love this Pillow! I always have it with me… so now it’s become a family joke that I don’t leave home without it! I’m heading to visit my in-laws soon, and seriously, if I can’t bring my Pillow… I can’t go!

Many of you have asked how far along I am… and how I’m feeling. I’m 25 weeks along! Feeling very good. And getting very excited!

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